

The global pandemic has left a lasting impression on businesses worldwide, allowing more employees to work remotely. The need for secure, remote access services is stressing out IT departments.

Secure Remote Access Services

Thankfully, between broadband Internet access at home, corporate virtual private networks (VPNs), and videoconferencing services, many people can continue to do their jobs as effectively as if they were still in their regular office environment.

However, that still presents challenges for the IT departments that must enable and support those work-from-home services. Depending on your company’s network architecture, you may be facing a significant challenge in supporting a multitude of employees now suddenly working from home.

You never know when the need will arise for team members to access their company email urgently, connect to the company intranet, or access other critical company assets from a remote location in order to do their job.

But how do you do this in a straightforward, secure, and cost-effective manner?

Your business cannot overlook the need for granting remote access to employees, unless you want to lose market share to your competitors.


Why VPN-As-A-Service?

Depending on the particulars of your business model and network architecture, the current ramp-up of remote access for workers is likely not a long-term strategy for you. You may have 90% of your workforce working remotely today, but only 30% on a regular basis. You may have seasonal needs to add more remote access capacity, but don’t want to put out the capital expense of purchasing hardware and infrastructure for the “high-water” mark.

In today’s economy, shared-service offerings are the order of the day. The model of “use only what you need for a fraction of the cost” has become ubiquitous in our time.

VPN-as-a-Service can help you meet your changing remote access requirements dynamically throughout the year, and be prepared for unplanned situations that might impact operations.

How Does VPN-as-a-Service Work?

  • We assign you to a cloud-based VPN connector, based on your current estimated needs.
  • We establish a single site-to-site VPN connection from your site to the cloud.
  • Then we enable your users to access the VPN connector from wherever they work.
  • Your users now have access to the information they need, from wherever they are.
  • All VPN communications are encrypted, securing your data as it traverses the Internet.
  • We configure secure user authentication to help ensure that unauthorized people don’t access your company’s secure data.

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